
"I work as a highly collaborative and supportive member of my client's team, coming together on a wide range of digital media projects to ensure my clients get the very best result."

climber at top of mountain - success

My Mission

I have set up Hazel Rigby Consulting, with the clear vision of helping organisations get to grips with their digital media, and online marketing and communications challenges.  My mission is to give my clients prime information with the least jargon in a friendly and approachable way that helps professionals tackle the challenge of marketing their business, products and services online in the best way possible for their budget. 


My Values

I love a good “before and after” makeover, whether that be in a website, search engine ranking, lead conversions or a budget sheet . I am motivated to make a difference and leave positive improvement wherever I go.  Passionate about what I do, I like nothing more than helping clients formulate a clear digital marketing plan, strengthen their brand and find those areas within their marketing strategy where they can achieve the most improvement in their business for the least time and money. 

The Challenge

The marketing industry is in the midst of a digital revolution that can be hard for businesses to stay on top of. In this environment of constant change and fierce competition the need for organisations of all sizes to create a clear, consistent, meaningful brand experiences is more important than ever. Understanding how to target and connect with your customers with your hard won message over all the most effective platforms in the most cost-effective way is something I can help you with.

My Experience

 My Digital Media and Marketing career began when I started out as a Graphic Designer and Web developer and rose to Senior Full-stack Web Developer, with database, coding, UX/UI & graphic design skills employed for well-known companies like Hitachi, Sekonda, Asahi, United Business Media & Barbour Index to name a few. Now I have years of project management and marketing skills from directing an organisation and running my own business as well as helping others improve theirs through web development agency and digital marketing consulting work. Most Recently I have worked for two and a half years in Digital Experience Full-time at SunLife (part of the Phoenix Group) in the highly regulated environment of the financial sector.  My experience can help your business thrive too.